Chapter 3 Cheat Sheet
- echo $SHELL
- Displays your current shell.
- cat /etc/shells
- Displays all available shells.
- chsh
- Changes your shell.
- chsh -s <shell> <user>
- As root, changes specified user's shell.
- Can also use usermod -s <shell> <user>
I/O Redirection
- >
- redirect stdout (same as 1>).
- 2>
- redirect stderr.
- &>
- redirect both stdout and stderr (same as 2>&1).
- &> does not work when piping, must use 2>&1.
- >>
- append to file; > overwrites contents.
- /dev/null
- the garbage disposal.
- <
- redirect input from file.
- |
- Pipe output from command to another command.
File and Directory Concepts
- pwd
- Prints the current working directory.
- cd ~/folder
- Changes directory to folder in your home directory.
- cd ~<user>
- Changes to user's home directory.
- cd -
- Changes to previous working directory.
File Lists and ls
- ls -l
- Long listing of the contents in a directory.
- ls -ld /directory
- Display long listing information about directory, not contents.
- ls -lh
- Display file sizes in human readable format.
- ls -lrt
- Reverse sort files by time modified (newest at bottom)
- ls -a
- Show hidden files and directories.
- ls -i
- Shows the inode number.
- ls -F
- Display a / after each directory, * after each executable file, and a @ after each symbolic link.
File Creation Commands
- touch file
- Creates the file. If file exists, updates last access date.
- cp file1 file2
- Makes a copy of file1 called file2.
- mv file1 file2 or mv directory1 directory2
- Renames file1 to file2.
- ln sourcefile linkfile
- Creates a hard link from sourcefile to linkfile.
- ln -s sourcefile linkfile
- Creates a soft link from sourcefile to linkfile.
Directory Creation and Deletion
- mkdir test
- mkdir -p /test1/test2/test3
- rmdir test
- deletes directory only if empty.
- rmdir -p /test1/test2/test3
- rm -rf test1
- Deletes directory and all subdirectories.
- Typing alias alone will show aliases.
- alias rm='mv -t ~/.Trash'
- Now when you type rm <file>, the file is move to trash rather than deleted.
- *
- matches 0 or more characters.
- ls ab* will return abcdefg, abc, abd, and ab.
- ?
- Matches one character.
- ls ab? will return abc and abd, but not abcdefg or ab.
- []
- Matches a range.
- ls ab[123] will match ab1, ab2, and ab3, but not ab123.
- ls ab[A-C] will match abA, abB, and abC.
File Searches
- find <where> -name <what>
- finds what in where.
- -iname for case insensitive search.
- locate <what>
Searches the locate database for what. - Faster than find, but since database is only updated every 24 hours, not as accurate.
- Update database by typing /etc/cron.daily/mlocate.cron
Commands to Process Text Streams
- cat
- cat /etc/passwd
- less
- less /var/log/messages
- head and tail
- head -n20 /etc/passwd
- tail -f /var/log/secure
- sort
- sort /etc/passwd
- grep and egrep
- grep <"what"> <where>
- egrep supports +, ?, |, (, and ).
- diff
- diff file1 file2
- wc
- wc file
- wc -l file
- sed
- sed 's/Windows/Linux' file > newfile
- awk
- awk '/mike/ {print $1}' /etc/passwd
- command --help (or command by itself).
- man <command>
- whatis nfs (show all man pages associated with nfs).
- apropos nfs (show all man pages related to nfs).
- apropos and whatis both search the whatis database, which is updated every 24 hours. To update database manually, run /etc/cron.daily/makewhatis.cron.
- Type whatis smbpasswd and notice the output. A man 5 smbpasswd reads the man page related to the file, a man 8 smbpasswd reads the man page associated with the actual command.
- /usr/share/doc
- info bash
- For a full list of info manuals: ls /usr/share/info.
Network Daemons
- service network start/stop/status
- service NetworkManager start/stop/status
- chkconfig network off/on
- chkconfig NetworkManager off/on
Network Configuration Files
- /etc/sysconfig/network
- Turn networking on/off.
- Set hostname.
- Set the gateway. The device configuration file and dhclient both override this directive.
- /etc/sysconfig/ifcfg-<device>
- Configure network adapter.
- /etc/hosts
- Map IPs to hostnames on the local network.
- /etc/nsswitch.conf
- Tells what database to look at and in what order.
- /etc/resolv.conf
- Defines which name servers to use.
The ip command
- ip addr show <device>
- shows devices configuration (e.g., ip address)
- ip link set <device> down
- takes the device offline.
- ip address add <IP> dev <device>
- configures the IP address for device.
- ip addr add <IP/mask> broadcast <IP> dev <device>
- configures IP and broadcast.
- ip addr del <IP/bits> dev <device>
- deletes IP address for device.
- ip addr <IP/mask> dev <device> label <device>:1
- creates an alias for device.
- ip route show
- ip route add <IP/mask> dev<device>
- ip route add default via <IP>
- ip route delete <IP/mask> dev <device>
- ip neigh add <IP> lladdr <MAC> nud permanent dev <device>
- adds an entry to the ARP table for device.
- ip link set dev <device> arp off
- turns arp off for device.
Network Configuration Tools
- system-config-network (command line)
- nm-connection-editor (GUI)
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