Chapter 4 Cheat Sheet
- RHEL doesn't allow configuration of umask to allow new files created with executable permissions.
- Default umask driven by /etc/bashrc, can be overridden with ~/.bashrc file.
- For files, umask = 666 - umask value; for directories, umask = 777 - umask.
- (1 = execute, 2 = write, 4 = read; 1 = sticky bit, 2 = sgid, 4 = suid).
- Sticky bit: only user/root can delete/rename files. A t replaces x in other field from ls -l output.
- SGID: all files created in directory will be owned by group (directory must be writeable by group). An s replaces x in group field from ls -l output.
- SUID: allows executable to be run as user owner of the file. An s replaces x in user field from ls -l output.
- Change user owner of a file:
- chown <user> <file>
- Change group owner of a file:
- chown .<group> <file>
- Change both user/group owner for a file:
- chown <user>.<group> <file>
- List the attributes of a file:
- lsattr <file/directory>
- Make a file immutable (cannot be deleted or renamed, no link can be created to this file and no data can be written to the file):
- chattr -/+i <file>
- Filesystem must be mounted with ACLs enabled:
- Temporary: mount -o remount,acl /mountpoint
- Persistent: Add acl under options for mount in /etc/fstab
- Get ACL information for a file:
- getfacl <file/directory>
- Give user or group permissions to a file or directory:
- setfacl -m <u:user:(rwx) or g:group:(rwx)> <file/directory>
- Remove user or group permissions to a file or directory:
- setfacl -x <u:user or g:group> <file/directory>
- Remove all extended ACL entries:
- setfacl -b <file/directory>
- Remove default ACL entries:
- setfacl -k <file/directory>
- Create ACL mask for file or directory:
- setfacl -m mask:r-- <file>
- Directories must have x permissions for user's to work with files in the directory, even if they have ACL access to the file.
- Three Chains: Input, Output, Forward.
- /etc/services
- contains list of services and their default ports and protocol.
- /etc/sysconfig/iptables
- contains iptables rules.
- Controlling iptables service:
- service iptables stop/start/save/restart
- chkconfig iptables off/on
- system-config-firewall (GUI tool)
- system-config-firewall-tui (CLI tool)
- Show current rules:
- iptables -L -n
- Flush existing rules:
- iptables -F
- Block incoming connections from IP address:
- iptables -A INPUT -s <IP> -j DROP
- Block incoming connections from IP address to web server:
- iptables -A INPUT -s <IP> -p tcp --dport 80 -j DROP
- Block outgoing connections to IP address:
- iptables -A OUTPUT -d <IP> -j DROP
- Allow incoming traffic on port 53 (DNS server:)
- iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
- Allow incoming traffic on a range of ports:
- iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 7000:7010 -j ACCEPT
- Allow incoming traffic from computers on the local network to port 80:
- iptables -A INPUT -s <IP>/<mask> -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
- Allow all incoming packets destined for the localhost interface to be accepted:
- iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
- Allow all incoming packets related to an established connection:
- iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
- Set the default policy for chain:
- If adding rules from the command line, typically use -I instead of -A. Using -I inputs the rule into the chain, -A will append to the chain. Often, the last rule in a chain is to DROP all other packets, and if we append, our rule is added after this rule, thus making our rule ineffective.
- Three modes: enforcing, permissive, disabled.
- Get status:
- sestatus
- Change mode
- Temporary: setenforce <status>
- Persistent: edit /etc/sysconfig/linux
- Each user is mapped to an SELinux user via SELinux policy. This allows Linux users to inherit the restrictions on SELinux users. The follow SELinux policies are defined:
- guest_u - no GUI; no networking; no su/sudo.
- xguest_u - yes GUI; networking only with Firefox; no su/sudo.
- user_u - yes GUI; yes networking; no su/sudo.
- staff_u - yes GUI; yes networking; yes sudo; no su.
- unconfined_u - full system access.
- See the current mapping for SELinux users:
- semanage login -l
- In RHEL 6, new users are mapped to the SELinux __default__ login by default, which is mapped to unconfined_u. Change the default with the following:
- semanage login -m -s <SELinux user> __default__
- See the current mapping for a user:
- id -Z (as the user)
- Add mapping for a single user:
- semanage login -a -s SELinux user> <user>
- Delete mapping for a single user:
- semanage login -d <user>
- List SELinux booleans:
- getsebool -a (lists all booleans)
- getsebool <directive> (list status of directive)
- semanage boolean -l (explains what each boolean means)
- Turn a boolean on/off:
- Temporary: setsebool <directive> on/off
- Persistent: setsebool -P <directive> on/off
- /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/file/file_contexts
- contains the default contexts for files.
- List context for a specific file/directory:
- ls -lZ <file/directory>
- List all available file/directory contexts:
- seinfo -t
- List default file/directory context for a file:
- matchpathcon <file/directory>
- Change file/directory context back to default:
- restorecon -Rv <file/directory>
- Different ways to change the context for a file/directory (does not survive a relabel if file/directory does not exist in the file_contexts file):
- chcon -u <user> -t <type> <file/directory> (-R for recursive; does not survive relabel)
- chcon -R --reference <file/directory> <file/directory> (does not survive relabel)
- Add file/directory to file_contexts file (survives a relabel):
- semanage fcontext -a -t <type> "<file/directory>"
- View contexts for running processes:
- ps auZ
- /var/log/audit:
- Contains logs related to SELinux
- Troubleshoot SELinux problems:
- sealert -a /var/log/audit/audit.log (CLI)
- sealert -b (GUI; requires setools-gui and policycoreutils-gui)
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